Saturday, July 9, 2011

Enter At Your Own Risk

Red and pink candy hearts mottled the tabletop like a nasty rash, spilled from an overturned jar. The police photographer snapped a photo of the candy rash with disassociated amusement.

"Should've gotten her flowers, dude," he wasn't able to stop the thought.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Through the open window I watch,

as a starless sky drapes dusk

behind silhouetted treetops.

Epiphany at the Five Star Diner

She was hungry. That's what it came down to. Primal instincts and a growling belly. Her routine had been disturbed and now she needed dinner, which is why she was at the Five Star Diner at 6:45 pm on a Tuesday evening. This is what she told herself.